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Queen is UniSZA chancellor

KUALA TERENGGANU: Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Nur Zahirah was declared chancellor of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) during the university's second convocation yesterday.

Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah read out the declaration at the beginning of the ceremony. Formerly known as Universiti Darul Iman, the name change to UniSZA was gazetted on May 13.

In her speech, Tuanku Nur Zahirah said her appointment completed UniSZA's administration structure and that would enable all functions as provided by its constitution to be carried out.

She said UniSZA's motto "Knowledge for the benefit of humanity" was in line with the country's development direction based on knowledge, innovation and the development of human resource.
"As a new university, UniSZA must strive to achieve greater excellence by thinking out of the traditional boundaries.

"The only way towards success is through continuous improvement based on the stated performance indicators."

She reminded graduates to give back to their alma mater in whatever way they can to bring the university to greater heights.

Tuanku Nur Zahirah is also the chancellor of the neighbouring Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.

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