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Bukit Keluang Beach, Besut

Fringed by the waters of the South China Sea, Bukit Keluang Beach offers a quiet holiday amidst a rustic atmosphere.

 Here also, you can find the accommodation ranges from chalets to affordable beach resorts for your vacations.

Bukit Keluang Beach, located in district of Besut. Lying on the East Cost of peninsula Malaysia, it is easily accessible via road, driving about 2 hours from Kuala Terengganu and taking approximately 1 hour from Kota Bahru ( Kelantan ).

The special with Bukit Keluang Beach is the beach is just behind a wooden walkway built through a rocky cave extended to the sea.

Very nice shoot you can take here because the view is very impressive and fascinating.

Furthermore, beside the beach also offer a fascinated cave for you to explore. This cave easily reached by walkaways for help the visitors who admire to explore it. 

Some of things that needed to go through it is, you must wearing a good shoes, and don't forget to bring along the flashlight because it's very useful to you.

The charming and secluded beach area of Bukit Keluang, make it become one of the beach park or ideal site for some activities, likes swimming, snorkeling and windsurfing.

Most of the time, especially on the weekend days, Bukit Keluang Beach become one of the favorite destination for local families, as well as outside visitors during holidays season for their vacations, picnicking and camping.

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