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Gamelan A World Music - Ahmad

KUALA TERENGGANU, July 24 (Bernama) -- The gamelan, which is no longer foreign to the outside world, has developed into a distinct identity and pride of the nation.

Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said said the gamelan can also be regarded as a world music.

"The development of gamelan can be seen through the World Gamelan Festival currently being held here," he said at the 2010 World Gamelan Festival here.

He said the festival would give a breath of fresh air for the gamelan music to flourish.

Meanwhile, 2010 World Gamelan Festival secretariat chief Mohd Yusof Abdullah said the three-day event sees the participation of 15 gamelan groups from Malaysia and abroad.

Among the international groups taking part are Garisi Seni Nenawa, Lambangsari, Banggar Singamurthi, Japanese Gamelan Club and Gastarana.

Local groups in the festival include Kesenian Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu, Rhythm In Bronze, Hands Percussion, Orkestra Tradisional Malaysia and Warisan Terengganu.

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