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Culture | Night Market

During the night time, there's still plenty of shopping activities to be done in Terengganu.

A typical Malaysian pasar malam (night market) or evening street markets can be found nightly and usually starts at about 6 pm to 11 pm.
The night market sells variety of local foods,souvenirs, cloths as well as household products.

You will have a lot of choice to shop with a very cheap price.

Normally the traders are the local people coming from nearby district.

This night market can create business opportunity for them and at the same time boost economic activity for the country.

If you come to Terengganu don't miss to experience this shopping activity!!

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Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda ke TTDI. Sila tinggalkan pesanan anda di dalam kotak komen di bawah.


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